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Understanding Average Height for Women in the US and Worldwide


Understanding Average Height for Women: Factors, Variations, and Importance

Height is a significant physical trait that varies across genders, ethnicities, and regions. For women, height is crucial to their overall appearance and confidence level. In the United States, the average height for women is around 5 feet 4 inches or 162.6 cm. However, this may vary based on several factors, like age, ethnicity, and geographical location.

Research shows that genetic factors mainly determine a person’s height. However, environmental factors like nutrition and physical activity can also impact growth and development. Moreover, understanding the average height for women can help people better understand their own physical traits and aid in choosing clothing sizes, furniture, and other items.

In this article, we will explore the average height for women in different countries and analyze the factors that affect height. So, let’s dive in and discuss more!

Factors Affecting the Height of Women 


The most crucial factor defining a person’s height is genetics. Height is a polygenic trait, which means several genes control it. Children inherit genes from their parents, and their height is often similar to theirs. For example, if both parents are tall, the child is more likely to be tall too.


Nutrition is another vital factor that affects height. Adequate nutrition is crucial for optimal growth and development, especially during childhood and adolescence. A diet rich in essential nutrients like protein, vitamins, and minerals can help promote healthy growth.

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is also vital for optimal growth and development. Exercise helps stimulate growth hormone production, which is vital for growth. It also promotes the growth of strong bones and muscles, which can affect height.

Geographical Location

Height can vary based on geographical location due to several factors like climate, nutrition, and genetics. For example, people from Scandinavian countries are generally taller than those from Southeast Asia.

Average Height for Women in Different Countries

The average height for adult women varies across countries and ethnicities. In the United States, the average height for adult women is around 5 feet 4 inches or 162.6 cm. However, this varies based on several factors, like age, ethnicity, and geographical location.

In China, the average height for adult women is about 5 feet 2 inches or 157 cm. Moreover, in India, the average height for adult women is around 5 feet or 152.4 cm. In European countries like the Netherlands and Sweden, the average height for women is around 5 feet 7 inches or 170 cm.

Height Variations among Women

Height is a physical trait that can vary greatly among women. While the average height for women may be a baseline, it is crucial to recognize that people come in different shapes and sizes.


One factor that can contribute to height variation among women is genetics. Genes can influence the growth and development of bones, muscles, and other tissues contributing to overall height. For example, some families may tend shorter or taller heights due to genetic factors.


Another factor that can affect height is nutrition. Sufficient nutrition is vital for proper growth and development during childhood and teenage, and malnutrition can result in stunted growth. Furthermore, some medical conditions or treatments can also affect height. For example, conditions that affect the endocrine system, like hypothyroidism, can lead to decreased height.


Environmental factors can also play a great role in height variation. For example, exposure to certain toxins or pollutants during development can decrease height. Additionally, cultural and socioeconomic factors can influence height, as people from certain regions or backgrounds may have different average heights.

In summary, height variation among women can be influenced by genetics, nutrition, medical conditions, and environmental factors. It is vital to recognize that people come in different shapes and sizes and to celebrate diversity by accommodating women of all heights and body types.

The Importance of Understanding Average Height for Women

Understanding the average height of an American woman is a crucial aspect of healthcare, clothing fitting, professional settings, and research. Following, we will discuss why it is crucial to understand the average height of women.


Height can be an indicator of a person’s overall health, and deviations from the average height can be a sign of underlying health issues. For instance, if a teen girl’s height is quite below the average height for her age group, it may tell a growth hormone deficiency or malnutrition. Similarly, if an adult woman’s height decreases greatly from her previous height, it can be a sign of osteoporosis or other age-related conditions.

Clothing Fitting

Many clothing brands use height as a basis for sizing charts. Moreover, an understanding of the average height of women can help people find clothes that fit them well. It is crucial to note that not all women fit into the average height range, and clothing brands must offer various sizes to help women of different heights and body shapes.

Professional Settings

Some industries, like modeling, need specific height requirements, and knowing the average height can help people understand their eligibility for certain jobs. It can also be helpful for employers to understand the average height of women when designing uniforms or workspaces to make sure that they are suitable for all employees.


Understanding the average American female height can be crucial for research purposes. Researchers may use average height data to study growth and development patterns or compare health outcomes across different populations.

Lastly, understanding the average height for women is crucial in many aspects of life. While it is crucial to recognize that height can vary widely among people, understanding the average height for women can be useful in healthcare, clothing fitting, skilled settings, and research. It is vital to promote inclusivity and diversity by adapting women of all heights and body shapes.

What is the average female height worldwide?

The average female height around the globe is around 5 feet 3 inches or 160 cm. However, significant variations exist across different regions and ethnicities. Some factors that affect height include genetics, nutrition, physical activity, and environmental factors. Environmental factors include climate and geography. Women from certain regions, like Scandinavia, tend to be taller than others.

What is the average height for women in the US?

The average height for women in US is around 5 feet 4 inches or 162.6 cm. However, this may vary based on several factors, like age, ethnicity, and geographical location. Height can also vary within a population due to genetics, nutrition, and physical activity.

What is the average height for girls in America?

The average height for girls in America varies based on their age. For girls between the ages of 2 and 19, the average height is around 4 feet 11 inches or 152 cm. However, this may vary based on several factors, like ethnicity, geographical location, and genetics. Girls usually face a growth spurt during puberty, which can result in a notable increase in height.

What is the average height for a teenage girl in the United States?

The average height for teen girls in the US varies based on their age. For girls between the ages of 13 and 19, the average height is around 5 feet 4 inches or 162.6 cm. However, this may vary based on several factors, like ethnicity, geographical location, and genetics. During the teen years, girls usually undergo a growth spurt, which can greatly increase height.

What are the height percentiles for American women?

Height percentiles for American women indicate how an individual woman’s height compares to the average height for women in the US. As per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the 50th percentile height for adult women in the US is 5 feet 4 inches or 162.6 cm. 

Women who are shorter or taller than this height fall below or above the 50th percentile, respectively. The CDC offers growth charts with height percentiles for girls and women of different ages.

What is the average height for American women of different races?

The average height for American women of different races varies slightly. As per the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), the average height for non-Hispanic white women in the US is 5 feet 4 inches or 162.8 cm. 

In contrast, the average height for non-Hispanic black women is 5 feet 3 inches or 160.6 cm. Mexican-American women have an average height of 5 feet 1.5 inches or 156.2 cm. These averages can vary based on several factors, like age, geographical location, and genetics.

What is the average Asian female height?

The average height for Asian females varies based on their ethnic group and geographical location. However, as per the World Health Organization (WHO), the average height for women in Asia is about 5 feet or 152 cm. This varies across different countries, with women in countries like South Korea and Japan tending to be shorter on average. In contrast, those in countries like China and India tend to be taller.

What is the average height for Hispanic women?

The average height for Hispanic women in the US varies based on their ethnic group. As per the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), the average height for Mexican-American women is 5 feet 1.5 inches or 156.2 cm. 

However, this may vary based on several factors, like age, geographical location, and genetics. Women from other Hispanic ethnic groups, like Puerto Rican or Cuban, may have different average heights.

What is the average Mexican female height?

The average height for Mexican females is about 5 feet 1.5 inches or 156.2 cm, as per the data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). However, this may vary based on several factors, like age, geographical location, and genetics. Mexican females, like other Hispanic ethnic groups, may have different average heights based on their specific ethnic group. It is also critical to note that height can vary within a population due to individual differences.

What is the average height for black women?

The average height for black women in the US is around 5 feet 3 inches or 160.6 cm, as per the data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). However, this may vary based on several factors, like age, geographical location, and genetics. 

It is crucial to note that height can vary within a population due to people’s differences and that black women from different regions or countries may have different average heights.

What is the average height for white women?

The average height for white women in the US is around 5 feet 4 inches or 162.8 cm, as per the data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). However, this may vary based on several factors, like age, geographical location, and genetics. 

It is crucial to note that height can vary within a population due to individual differences and that white women from different regions or countries may have different average heights.

Importance of knowing the average height of a woman in the USA

Knowing the average height of a woman in the USA can be crucial for various reasons. It can deliver insight into potential health concerns and be useful in the medical field, as some conditions are linked to height. For example, shorter women may be more prone to osteoporosis or heart disease, while taller women may have a higher risk of developing cancer. 

Furthermore, understanding the average height can help doctors to identify patients who may be at risk for certain conditions and offer the right preventive care.

Knowing the average height of women in the USA can also be important in the fashion industry. Clothing manufacturers use standard sizes that are based on average height and body measurements. Therefore, knowing the average height of women in the USA can help designers and manufacturers create clothing that fits the majority of women.

Furthermore, knowing the average height of women in the USA can be useful in the workplace. Some jobs may need people to meet certain height needs, like those in law enforcement or the military. Understanding the average height can help employers to set the right height conditions and avoid prejudice based on height.

Overall, while knowing the average height of a woman in the USA may not be crucial for everyday life, it can offer valuable information in various fields, including healthcare, fashion, and employment.

Sum Up 

To sum up, understanding the average height for women is crucial in many aspects of life, including healthcare, clothing fitting, professional settings, and research. It serves as a valuable baseline and offers insight into potential health concerns or eligibility for certain jobs. 

However, it is crucial to recognize that the average height does not represent the entire population and that people come in various shapes and sizes. We must celebrate and embrace diversity, promoting inclusivity by helping women of all heights and body types. 

Furthermore, we must not allow height to define a person’s worth or abilities. It is crucial to focus on recognizing and valuing women for their unique qualities and contributions, regardless of their height. By doing so, we can create a more inclusive and accepting society that celebrates diversity and promotes equity for all.


A Comprehensive Guide to the Average Height for 13 Year Olds Boys and Girls?


Guide to the Average Height for 13 Year Olds

As children enter their teenage years, there is a lot of change and growth happening in their bodies. This is a time when many parents and caregivers start to pay closer attention to their child’s development, especially when it comes to height. Many people wonder what is considered an average height for 13-year-olds, and it’s a valid concern. Understanding what is normal for their age can help parents identify potential growth concerns and take necessary action.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the topic of average height for 13 year olds. We will discuss factors that can affect growth, such as genetics, nutrition, exercise, and sleep. It’s important to keep in mind that height can vary widely among individuals due to these factors. Additionally, we will cover tips for promoting healthy development, such as a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep.

Moreover, parents and caregivers can play an essential role in supporting their child’s growth and development. By understanding what is considered an average height for 13 year olds and taking steps to promote healthy habits, they can help their child reach their full potential. However, it’s essential to keep in mind that every child is unique and may develop at their own pace. Therefore, it’s important to focus on healthy habits rather than solely on the numbers.



What is the average height for a 13 year old for boys? 

The average height for 13-year-old boy varies depending on factors such as genetics, ethnicity, nutrition, and physical activity. On average, boys at this age range between 4 feet 11 inches to 5 feet 6 inches tall. However, some boys may be shorter or taller than this range, and it is considered normal.


The growth spurts of boys during puberty can lead to significant increases in height over a short period. During this time, boys can grow up to 4 inches in a year, and their height may fluctuate, leading to periods of awkwardness or insecurity.


It’s essential to note that the height of a 13-year-old boy doesn’t necessarily indicate their health or future growth potential. A balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep are crucial factors that can help a growing boy reach their full potential.

If parents or guardians are concerned about their son’s height, they can consult with their pediatrician to ensure that their child is growing at a healthy rate and to identify any underlying health concerns that may be impacting their growth.


What is the average height for a 13 year old for girls? 

The average height range for 13-year-old girls can vary depending on several factors, including genetics, nutrition, and overall health. Generally speaking, the average height for a 13-year-old girl in the United States is around 5 feet, 1 inch (155 centimeters), with a range of heights from 4 feet, 7 inches (140 centimeters) to 5 feet, 5 inches (165 centimeters).


It is important to note that while height can be influenced by genetics, environmental factors can also play a significant role. A balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep can all contribute to healthy growth and development in adolescence.

It is also worth mentioning that height is just one aspect of a person’s physical appearance and should not be over-emphasized or valued more than other qualities. 


Girls should feel confident and comfortable in their skin, regardless of their height or any other physical trait. Encouraging healthy habits and positive self-esteem can help girls develop into confident and resilient individuals.


Factors That Affect Height of 13 years old Boy 

The height of a 13-year-old boy is influenced by various factors, including genetics, nutrition, physical activity, and hormones. These factors work together to determine the final height of an individual. In this article, we will discuss each of these factors in more detail.



The most significant factor that affects the height of a 13-year-old boy is genetics. The height of a child is largely determined by the height of their parents. However, it is not just the height of the parents that matter. Several genes control height and the combination of these genes determine the final height of the child. While genetics is not something that can be controlled, it is an essential factor that determines a child’s height.



Nutrition is another crucial factor that affects a child’s height. A well-balanced diet that includes sufficient amounts of protein, vitamins, and minerals is essential for optimal growth. Protein is particularly important as it provides the building blocks for muscle and bone development. Lack of proper nutrition can lead to stunted growth or delay in growth.


Physical activity

Physical activity is crucial for the healthy development of bones and muscles. Engaging in regular exercise and sports activities can help increase bone density and promote growth. Weight-bearing exercises, such as running, jumping, and resistance training, are particularly helpful in promoting bone growth. However, excessive physical activity without proper nutrition can also have adverse effects on growth.



Hormones play a significant role in growth and development. Growth hormone is responsible for stimulating growth in bones and muscles. During puberty, there is a surge in growth hormone levels, which contributes to the rapid growth spurt that occurs during this period. Thyroid hormones also play a role in growth and development, as they are involved in regulating metabolism and energy levels.


Other factors that can affect height include sleep, stress, and environmental factors such as exposure to toxins and pollutants. Getting adequate sleep is essential for proper growth and development, as growth hormone is released during deep sleep. Stress can also affect growth by disrupting hormone levels and reducing nutrient absorption.


In conclusion, the height of a 13-year-old boy is influenced by several factors, including genetics, nutrition, physical activity, and hormones. While genetics is not something that can be controlled, it is important to focus on factors that can be controlled, such as diet and exercise, to promote healthy growth and development.


Factors That Affect the Height of 13 years old girl

Height is an important factor in determining physical appearance and overall health. For a 13-year-old girl, her height can be influenced by a variety of factors, including genetics, nutrition, physical activity, and overall health.



Genetics is perhaps the most important factor in determining a girl’s height. Height is largely determined by the genes a person inherits from their parents. If the parents are tall, it is more likely that their children will be tall as well. However, genetics is not the only factor; other factors can affect height as well.



Nutrition is also a critical factor in determining height. Adequate nutrition, especially during childhood and adolescence, is necessary for proper growth and development. A balanced diet that includes essential vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, vitamin D, and protein, can support healthy growth and development. On the other hand, a poor diet lacking these essential nutrients can hinder growth.


Physical activity 

Physical activity also plays a role in height. Regular exercise, especially weight-bearing exercises such as running and jumping, can stimulate bone growth and contribute to a healthy height. On the other hand, a sedentary lifestyle with minimal physical activity can hinder growth and development.

Overall health is another important factor that can affect height. Certain medical conditions, such as hormonal imbalances, can lead to growth problems. Chronic illnesses, such as kidney disease or malnutrition, can also affect growth and development. Additionally, exposure to toxins, such as cigarette smoke or environmental pollutants, can hinder growth.

Sum Up

Height is influenced by a variety of factors, including genetics, nutrition, physical activity, and overall health. While genetics is the primary factor, proper nutrition, regular exercise, and good overall health can contribute to healthy growth and development. Parents can help their 13-year-old daughters achieve their maximum potential height by providing them with a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular physical activity. Additionally, regular checkups with a healthcare provider can help identify any potential health concerns that may impact growth and development.

Boys: Average Height and Weight
Age Height Weight
2 years 2 ft 11 in 30 lb 10 oz
3 years 3 ft 2 in 31 lb 12 oz
4 years 3 ft 4 in 36 lbs
5 years 3 ft 7 in 40 lbs 8 oz
6 years 3 ft 9 in 45 lb 8 oz
7 years 4 ft 50 lb 8 oz
8 years 4 ft 2 in 56 lb 8 oz
9 years 4 ft 4 in 63 lbs
10 years 4 ft 6 in 70 lb 8 oz
11 years 4 ft 8 in 78 lb 8 oz
12 years 4 ft 10 in 88 lbs
13 years 5 ft 1 in 100 lbs
14 years 5 ft 4 in 112 lbs
15 years 5 ft 7 in 123 lb 8 oz
16 years 5 ft 8 in 134 lbs
17 years 5 ft 9 in 142 lbs
18 years 5 ft 9 in 147 lb 8 oz
19 years 5 ft 9 in 152 lbs
20 years 5 ft 10 in 155 lbs

How tall should a 13 year old be?

The average height for a 13-year-old varies based on gender, ethnicity, and genetics. Boys typically stand at around 5’1″ to 5’6″, while girls can range from 4’10” to 5’5″. It’s important to focus on overall growth and development rather than just height.


Is 4’7 short for a 13 year old?

It’s below average height for a 13-year-old, but not necessarily considered “short.” The average height for a 13-year-old is around 5’1″, but height can vary greatly depending on genetics, nutrition, and other factors. It’s important to focus on overall health and 

well-being rather than comparing oneself to others.


Is 4’8 short for a 13 year old?

4’8″ is below the average height for a 13-year-old, but it is not necessarily considered “short.” Height can be influenced by various factors, such as genetics and nutrition. It’s important to focus on overall health and development rather than just height.


Is 4’9 short for a 13 year old?

At 4’9″, a 13-year-old is below the average height for their age group, but it is not considered excessively short. It’s important to remember that height can vary widely among individuals and can be influenced by genetics, nutrition, and other factors.


Is 4’10 short for a 13 year old?

At 4’10”, a 13-year-old is shorter than the average height for their age group, which is around 5’1″. However, height can vary greatly and is influenced by genetic, nutritional, and environmental factors. While 4’10” may be considered on the shorter side, it is not necessarily cause for concern.


Is 4’11 short for a 13 year old?

Yes, 4’11” is considered below average height for a 13-year-old. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the average height for a 13-year-old girl is around 5’1″, while for a boy, it’s around 5’4″. However, height can vary greatly and is influenced by factors such as genetics and nutrition.


Is 5 feet short for a 13 year old?

The average height for a 13-year-old varies depending on several factors, like gender, genetics, and nutrition. However, a height of 5 feet may be considered slightly below average for a 13-year-old, but it is not necessarily considered “short.” It is important to remember that height is just one aspect of a person’s physical development.


Is 5’1 short for a 13 year old?

At 5’1, a 13-year-old may be shorter than the average height for their age and gender, but it is not necessarily considered “short.” Height can vary greatly among individuals and can be influenced by genetics, nutrition, and other factors. Ultimately, what is considered “short” is subjective and can vary depending on cultural and societal norms.


Is 5’2 short for a 13 year old?

Height can vary greatly at age 13 due to factors such as genetics and gender. While the average height for a 13-year-old female is around 5’1”, and for males, it’s around 5’4”. Therefore, being 5’2” as a 13-year-old fall within the typical height range and is not necessarily considered “short.”


Is 5’3 short for a 13 year old?

It depends on various factors, like gender, ethnicity, and growth patterns. However, for girls in the United States, the average height for a 13-year-old is around 5’1″. Therefore, being 5’3″ would put a 13-year-old girl above average height, but it may be considered shorter for a 13-year-old boy.


Is 5’4 tall for a 13 year old?

5’4 is considered above average height for a 13-year-old. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the average height for a 13-year-old female is around 5’1″, while the average height for a 13-year-old male is around 5’4″. However, height can vary greatly and should be evaluated on an individual basis.


Is 5’5 tall for a 13 year old?

It’s an average height for a 13-year-old. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the average height for a 13-year-old boy is around 5’1″ to 5’6″, and for a girl, it’s around 4’11” to 5’5″. However, there’s a wide range of normal heights for teenagers, and genetics plays a big role.


Is 5’6 tall for a 13 year old?

5’6″ is considered above average height for a 13-year-old. According to CDC growth charts, the average height for a 13-year-old male is around 5’1″, and for a female is around 5’1.5″. However, it’s important to remember that everyone grows at their own pace and there is a wide range of “normal” heights.


Is 5’7 tall for a 13 year old?

A height of 5’7″ (170 cm) at 13 years old is considered above average for both boys and girls. While height can vary greatly during adolescence, this height is likely to be among the tallest in a group of 13-year-olds. However, genetics, gender, and other factors can also play a role in determining height.


Is 5’8 tall for a 13 year old?

At 5’8″, a 13-year-old would be considered taller than average. However, it’s important to remember that height can vary greatly among individuals and is influenced by genetics and environmental factors. It’s best to consult with a pediatrician for an accurate assessment of a child’s growth and development.


Is 5’9 tall for a 13 year old?

5’9 is considered to be quite tall for a 13-year-old. It is well above the 95th percentile for height for that age group. However, it’s important to remember that everyone grows at their own pace, and there is a wide range of “normal” heights for teenagers.


Is 5’10 tall for a 13 year old?

The answer to whether 5’10 is tall for a 13-year-old depends on various factors, including gender, genetics, and ethnicity. On average, a 13-year-old male is around 5’4″ while a female is around 5’1″. However, it’s essential to remember that every individual’s growth pattern is unique, and no fixed height qualifies as “tall.”


Is 5’11 tall for a 13 year old?

5’11 is certainly above average height for a 13-year-old. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the average height for a 13-year-old boy in the United States is around 5’1″. However, genetics and other factors can play a role in determining a person’s height.


Is 6ft tall for a 13 year old?

Six feet tall is exceptionally tall for a 13-year-old, as the average height for boys at that age ranges from 4’11” to 5’6″. While genetics can play a role in height, parents need to monitor their child’s growth and consult with a pediatrician if there are any concerns.


Who is the tallest 13 year old in the world?

It is difficult to determine who the tallest 13-year-old in the world is because height can vary greatly based on genetics, nutrition, and other factors. However, there have been some notable cases of exceptionally tall 13-year-olds in recent years. One such case is that of Brendan Adams, who stood at 7 feet 4 inches (2.24 meters) tall at the age of 13 in 2019. 


Moreover, another notable case is that of Ren Keyu from China, who was measured at 7 feet 3 inches (2.21 meters) tall at age 13 in 2021. While these individuals may be among the tallest 13-year-olds in the world, it is important to remember that the average height for 13 year olds can continue to change and vary throughout adolescence and adulthood.


Tips for Promoting Healthy Growth and Development for 13 Years Old 

The teenage years are a crucial period for growth and development. At 13 years old, children are at an age where they are transitioning from childhood to adolescence, and it is important to provide them with the right support and guidance to ensure healthy growth and development. Here are some tips for promoting healthy growth and development for 13 year olds:


Encourage a Healthy Diet

Eating a healthy diet is crucial for growth and development during adolescence. Encourage your child to eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.


Promote Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is essential for healthy growth and development. Encourage your child to participate in sports or other physical activities they enjoy.


Monitor Screen Time

Excessive screen time can have negative effects on a child’s physical and mental health. Encourage your child to limit their screen time and engage in other activities instead.


Encourage Sleep

Adequate sleep is essential for growth and development. Encourage your child to get enough sleep each night.


Support Mental Health

The teenage years can be challenging, and it is important to support your child’s mental health. Encourage open communication and seek professional help if needed.


Moreover, by implementing these tips, you can help promote healthy growth and development for your 13-year-old child.


Wrap-Up – Why is knowing the average 13 year old height so useful?

Knowing the average height for 13 year olds can be useful for several reasons. Firstly, it can help parents and doctors monitor a child’s growth and development. Secondly, it can be used as a reference point for clothing manufacturers to create age-appropriate sizes. 


Additionally, it can aid in creating ergonomically designed furniture and equipment for adolescents. Overall, understanding the average height can help inform decisions and improve outcomes for young people.

Lastly, the average height range for 13-year-olds varies depending on factors such as genetics, ethnicity, nutrition, and physical activity. Boys at this age range between 4 feet 11 inches to 5 feet 6 inches tall, while girls’ average height is around 5 feet, 1 inch, with a range of heights from 4 feet, 7 inches to 5 feet, 5 inches. 

While genetics is not something that can be controlled, factors such as a balanced diet, 

regular exercise, adequate sleep, and proper nutrition can help promote healthy growth and development. Parents and caregivers can consult with their pediatrician if they have concerns about their child’s growth.